11.2. Installing PhpExpress

NuSphere PhpExpress is a regular PHP extension, which makes it easy to install and deploy. You can download PhpExpress freely from


To install NuSphere PhpExpress do the following:

  1. Open your php.ini file for editing

  2. Add line zend_extension_ts=c:\full\path\to\phpexpress-php-x.x.dll if you are deploying on Windows, or zend_extension=/full/path/to/phpexpress-php-x.x.so if you are deploying on Unix, Linux or Mac OS operating systems

  3. Copy phpexpress-php-x.x.dll or phpexpress-php-x.x.so in the PHP extensions directory specified in php.ini file.

  4. Stop and Start Apache if you are running PHP as Apache module.

  5. [Optional] Execute call to phpinfo() function and make sure that PhpExpress is properly installed Once PhpExpress is installed on the server, you can execute PHP Scripts encoded with Nu-Coder as well as regular, not encoded PHP scripts. In both cases you will gain an improved performance in the execution of the scripts.